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The Newson method - Recording both sides of a conversation without bothering with the audio repeater

Webcast Academy - Thu, 2007-10-25 08:19

Well, I'll be...... I moved for a reference, and lost what I had written here.  Again.....

 Jeff the Boss has suggested I describe how I seem to have made a reasonable recording of a  two-ended conversation without using the audio repeater.


My vital statistics are:

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Introduction RAFAEL

Webcast Academy - Thu, 2007-10-25 05:13
Here is my Intro...
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It's not working!

Webcast Academy - Wed, 2007-10-24 19:37

So, I've downloaded VAC and I've watched the screencast on how to set everything up AND IT'S NOT WORKING!  There are too many places to set audio preferences (Skype, Audacity, Windows, Audio Repeater) and I think this is why I can't get both me and the Skype lady to record in Audacity.

I'm in the process of downloading Jing so I can demonstrate all of my settings but, unfortunately, I'm going to run out of time today to do this.  Better luck Saturday.

I consider myself pretty tech savvy and I have to admit I'm really frustrated right now.

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Need a candidate

Webcast Academy - Wed, 2007-10-24 14:48

I tried to talk my daughter into letting me call her on Skype for the Week #2 assignment but she was not excited about it.


Can I talk anyone else into being a volunteer? It would have to be on Sat as school is crazy the next 3 days-Conferences-12 hour days etc.


Thanks for your help.

Diane from Oregon 

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

The Ride Has Definitely Begun . . . .

Webcast Academy - Tue, 2007-10-23 15:46

2007-10-23: The puzzle has a lot more pieces now,
and I'm trying to figure them out. For the telephony
assignment, I'll probably go the Mac route first and
use Nicecast.

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Pam Shoemaker Two-Way Call Recording

Webcast Academy - Mon, 2007-10-22 21:14
I did it!  I fooled around most the day yesterday with horrible results.  The person on the other end of the Skype call sounded like she was in the middle of a long metal tube.  Today, I opened Audacity and realized that I missed a setting... I forgot to change the drop-down box to "Wave Out Mix."  Once I switched it, it worked!   I decided to add some music to see if I could do it.  The music does not go with the recording at all, but I think I was successful in completing the assignment! 
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Webcast Academy 2.3.2: 2007-10-21

Webcast Academy - Mon, 2007-10-22 03:40



Today's Online Meeting

The meeting today was informative and fun.
A sense of camaraderie also developed,
particularly when we were discussing personal
interests and backgrounds:

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Webcast Academy Meeting 2.3.2 - Recording Both Ends of a Telephony Call

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2007-10-21 19:54

Webcast Academy Meeting 2.3.2
Recording Both Ends of a Telep­hony Call
­October 21, 2007

Week#2 Curriculum Page

Chat Log Below

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Teacher Talk Video Studio

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2007-10-21 17:03

Here is the final version of the second broadcast of Teacher Talk, with Lisa Parisi, Susan van Gelder, and Cheryl Lykowski.  Our guest was Colleen King, creator of Math Playground. ­

This was an historical show, due to the fact that, while we were strea­ming audio, we also streamed video through UStream.  So our Teacher Talk Video Studio showed streams of Lisa Parisi, Susan van Gelde­r and Colleen King.  It also had the chat running and a Skype call going with the three mentioned and Cheryl Lykowski. 

While there was a lot to combining all the facets of this show, it was great fun and well worth the effort.  Thanks to Jeff Lebow for all his encouragement and help getting up and running.  And thanks also, Jeff, for recording the video stream.

Click To Play

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Mac Setup for Skype Preferences, System Preferences and Nicecast

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2007-10-21 11:17

Please go to this book page for help with Mac set up in Skype, Mac System Preferences, and Nicecast. 


Or contact me with any Mac questions. ~Lee 

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Karen Olmstead Introduction

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2007-10-21 02:22
I forgot to mention that TRMS is in Plaistow, NH
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

So much to do. . .

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2007-10-21 01:36
I think I finished the assignment for this week. I've changed my original idea for what I wanted to webcast and record. There was an article in the San Jose Mercury on the San Andreas Fault and some important new discoveries. I have a student whose mom works at Stanford and I hope to arrange a set of webcasts with someone from the SAFOD project. We'll see what happens.
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Introduction class 2.3

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2007-10-21 01:28
Here is my introduction.
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Week ending October 20, 2007

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2007-10-21 01:21

What's that old saying? "Life is what happens while your busy making plans" or something like that.  That was pretty much my week.  I really did have good intentions about spending more time on the Webcast Academy website.  But then life got in the way.  Hopefully next week will be more settled around the Dornberg household.

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Susan D's Introduction

Webcast Academy - Sat, 2007-10-20 20:11
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Hardware and Software and Sound Specs: Oh, My!

Webcast Academy - Sat, 2007-10-20 15:31

Recording My Audio Intro (2007-10-19)

My hardware (desktop iMac, USB desktop mic, USB mic + earphones) was OK. So was Audacity. I'd installed Audio Hijack Pro earlier and I've had iTunes installed for some time. I thought about using GarageBand, but when I tried it, I couldn't find intro and exit music that I liked. Creating the audio intro took longer than I'd expected, but I enjoyed it. I'm not satisfied with the results, but the intro is OK, I think.

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Jeff Lebow Introduction - Class of 2.3

Webcast Academy - Sat, 2007-10-20 02:33

So, who is that guy who's always nagging about audio specifications, ID3 Tags, and audio quality?
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